<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> <% ' *** Logout the current user. MM_Logout = CStr(Request.ServerVariables("URL")) & "?MM_Logoutnow=1" If (CStr(Request("MM_Logoutnow")) = "1") Then Session.Contents.Remove("MM_Username") Session.Contents.Remove("MM_UserAuthorization") MM_logoutRedirectPage = "wwwroot/welcome.asp" ' redirect with URL parameters (remove the "MM_Logoutnow" query param). if (MM_logoutRedirectPage = "") Then MM_logoutRedirectPage = CStr(Request.ServerVariables("URL")) If (InStr(1, UC_redirectPage, "?", vbTextCompare) = 0 And Request.QueryString <> "") Then MM_newQS = "?" For Each Item In Request.QueryString If (Item <> "MM_Logoutnow") Then If (Len(MM_newQS) > 1) Then MM_newQS = MM_newQS & "&" MM_newQS = MM_newQS & Item & "=" & Server.URLencode(Request.QueryString(Item)) End If Next if (Len(MM_newQS) > 1) Then MM_logoutRedirectPage = MM_logoutRedirectPage & MM_newQS End If Response.Redirect(MM_logoutRedirectPage) End If %> <% ' *** Restrict Access To Page: Grant or deny access to this page MM_authorizedUsers="" MM_authFailedURL="wwwroot/welcome.asp" MM_grantAccess=false If Session("MM_Username") <> "" Then If (true Or CStr(Session("MM_UserAuthorization"))="") Or _ (InStr(1,MM_authorizedUsers,Session("MM_UserAuthorization"))>=1) Then MM_grantAccess = true End If End If If Not MM_grantAccess Then MM_qsChar = "?" If (InStr(1,MM_authFailedURL,"?") >= 1) Then MM_qsChar = "&" MM_referrer = Request.ServerVariables("URL") if (Len(Request.QueryString()) > 0) Then MM_referrer = MM_referrer & "?" & Request.QueryString() MM_authFailedURL = MM_authFailedURL & MM_qsChar & "accessdenied=" & Server.URLEncode(MM_referrer) Response.Redirect(MM_authFailedURL) End If %> <% Response.Expires=-1000 Response.CacheControl="no-cache" 'MagicBeat Server Behavior - 1019 - by Jag S. Sidhu - www.magicbeat.com %> <% ' *** Edit Operations: declare variables Dim MM_editAction Dim MM_abortEdit Dim MM_editQuery Dim MM_editCmd Dim MM_editConnection Dim MM_editTable Dim MM_editRedirectUrl Dim MM_editColumn Dim MM_recordId Dim MM_fieldsStr Dim MM_columnsStr Dim MM_fields Dim MM_columns Dim MM_typeArray Dim MM_formVal Dim MM_delim Dim MM_altVal Dim MM_emptyVal Dim MM_i MM_editAction = CStr(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")) If (Request.QueryString <> "") Then MM_editAction = MM_editAction & "?" & Server.HTMLEncode(Request.QueryString) End If ' boolean to abort record edit MM_abortEdit = false ' query string to execute MM_editQuery = "" %> <% ' *** Redirect if username exists MM_flag="MM_insert" If (CStr(Request(MM_flag)) <> "") Then MM_dupKeyRedirect="wwwroot/exists.asp" MM_rsKeyConnection=MM_Able_STRING MM_dupKeyUsernameValue = CStr(Request.Form("username")) MM_dupKeyIDValue = CStr(Request.Form("PropertyID")) MM_dupKeySQL="SELECT Username FROM Watched WHERE Username='" & MM_dupKeyUsernameValue & "' AND UniqueID='" & Replace(Request.Form("PropertyID"), "'", "''") & "'" MM_adodbRecordset="ADODB.Recordset" set MM_rsKey=Server.CreateObject(MM_adodbRecordset) MM_rsKey.ActiveConnection=MM_rsKeyConnection MM_rsKey.Source=MM_dupKeySQL MM_rsKey.CursorType=0 MM_rsKey.CursorLocation=2 MM_rsKey.LockType=3 MM_rsKey.Open If Not MM_rsKey.EOF Or Not MM_rsKey.BOF Then ' the username was found - can not add the requested username MM_qsChar = "?" If (InStr(1,MM_dupKeyRedirect,"?") >= 1) Then MM_qsChar = "&" MM_dupKeyRedirect = MM_dupKeyRedirect & MM_qsChar & "requsername=" & MM_dupKeyUsernameValue & "&requestID=" & MM_dupKeyIDValue Response.Redirect(MM_dupKeyRedirect) End If MM_rsKey.Close End If %> <% ' *** Insert Record: set variables If (CStr(Request("MM_insert")) = "form1") Then MM_editConnection = MM_Able_STRING MM_editTable = "Watched" MM_editRedirectUrl = "default.asp?added=yes" MM_fieldsStr = "username|value|propertyID|value|UniqueID|value" MM_columnsStr = "Username|',none,''|UniqueID|',none,''|PropertyID|none,none,NULL" ' create the MM_fields and MM_columns arrays MM_fields = Split(MM_fieldsStr, "|") MM_columns = Split(MM_columnsStr, "|") ' set the form values For MM_i = LBound(MM_fields) To UBound(MM_fields) Step 2 MM_fields(MM_i+1) = CStr(Request.Form(MM_fields(MM_i))) Next ' append the query string to the redirect URL If (MM_editRedirectUrl <> "" And Request.QueryString <> "") Then If (InStr(1, MM_editRedirectUrl, "?", vbTextCompare) = 0 And Request.QueryString <> "") Then MM_editRedirectUrl = MM_editRedirectUrl & "?" & Request.QueryString Else MM_editRedirectUrl = MM_editRedirectUrl & "&" & Request.QueryString End If End If End If %> <% ' *** Insert Record: construct a sql insert statement and execute it Dim MM_tableValues Dim MM_dbValues If (CStr(Request("MM_insert")) <> "") Then ' create the sql insert statement MM_tableValues = "" MM_dbValues = "" For MM_i = LBound(MM_fields) To UBound(MM_fields) Step 2 MM_formVal = MM_fields(MM_i+1) MM_typeArray = Split(MM_columns(MM_i+1),",") MM_delim = MM_typeArray(0) If (MM_delim = "none") Then MM_delim = "" MM_altVal = MM_typeArray(1) If (MM_altVal = "none") Then MM_altVal = "" MM_emptyVal = MM_typeArray(2) If (MM_emptyVal = "none") Then MM_emptyVal = "" If (MM_formVal = "") Then MM_formVal = MM_emptyVal Else If (MM_altVal <> "") Then MM_formVal = MM_altVal ElseIf (MM_delim = "'") Then ' escape quotes MM_formVal = "'" & Replace(MM_formVal,"'","''") & "'" Else MM_formVal = MM_delim + MM_formVal + MM_delim End If End If If (MM_i <> LBound(MM_fields)) Then MM_tableValues = MM_tableValues & "," MM_dbValues = MM_dbValues & "," End If MM_tableValues = MM_tableValues & MM_columns(MM_i) MM_dbValues = MM_dbValues & MM_formVal Next MM_editQuery = "insert into " & MM_editTable & " (" & MM_tableValues & ") values (" & MM_dbValues & ")" If (Not MM_abortEdit) Then ' execute the insert Set MM_editCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") MM_editCmd.ActiveConnection = MM_editConnection MM_editCmd.CommandText = MM_editQuery MM_editCmd.Execute MM_editCmd.ActiveConnection.Close If (MM_editRedirectUrl <> "") Then Response.Redirect(MM_editRedirectUrl) End If End If End If %> <% Dim Recordset1__MMColParam Recordset1__MMColParam = "1" If (Request.QueryString("PropertyID") <> "") Then Recordset1__MMColParam = Request.QueryString("PropertyID") End If %> <% Dim Recordset1 Dim Recordset1_numRows Set Recordset1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Recordset1.ActiveConnection = MM_Able_STRING Recordset1.Source = "SELECT * FROM Properties WHERE PropretyID = " + Replace(Recordset1__MMColParam, "'", "''") + "" Recordset1.CursorType = 0 Recordset1.CursorLocation = 2 Recordset1.LockType = 1 Recordset1.Open() Recordset1_numRows = 0 %> <% Dim Recordset2__MMcolParam Recordset2__MMcolParam = "1" If (Session("MM_Username") <> "") Then Recordset2__MMcolParam = Session("MM_Username") End If %> <% Dim Recordset2 Dim Recordset2_numRows Set Recordset2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Recordset2.ActiveConnection = MM_Able_STRING Recordset2.Source = "SELECT * FROM Properties INNER JOIN Watched ON Properties.PropretyID = Watched.PropertyID WHERE Watched.Username = '" + Replace(Recordset2__MMcolParam, "'", "''") + "'" Recordset2.CursorType = 0 Recordset2.CursorLocation = 2 Recordset2.LockType = 1 Recordset2.Open() Recordset2_numRows = 0 %> <% Dim Repeat1__numRows Dim Repeat1__index Repeat1__numRows = -1 Repeat1__index = 0 Recordset2_numRows = Recordset2_numRows + Repeat1__numRows %> <% Dim MM_paramName %> <% ' *** Go To Record and Move To Record: create strings for maintaining URL and Form parameters Dim MM_keepNone Dim MM_keepURL Dim MM_keepForm Dim MM_keepBoth Dim MM_removeList Dim MM_item Dim MM_nextItem ' create the list of parameters which should not be maintained MM_removeList = "&index=" If (MM_paramName <> "") Then MM_removeList = MM_removeList & "&" & MM_paramName & "=" End If MM_keepURL="" MM_keepForm="" MM_keepBoth="" MM_keepNone="" ' add the URL parameters to the MM_keepURL string For Each MM_item In Request.QueryString MM_nextItem = "&" & MM_item & "=" If (InStr(1,MM_removeList,MM_nextItem,1) = 0) Then MM_keepURL = MM_keepURL & MM_nextItem & Server.URLencode(Request.QueryString(MM_item)) End If Next ' add the Form variables to the MM_keepForm string For Each MM_item In Request.Form MM_nextItem = "&" & MM_item & "=" If (InStr(1,MM_removeList,MM_nextItem,1) = 0) Then MM_keepForm = MM_keepForm & MM_nextItem & Server.URLencode(Request.Form(MM_item)) End If Next ' create the Form + URL string and remove the intial '&' from each of the strings MM_keepBoth = MM_keepURL & MM_keepForm If (MM_keepBoth <> "") Then MM_keepBoth = Right(MM_keepBoth, Len(MM_keepBoth) - 1) End If If (MM_keepURL <> "") Then MM_keepURL = Right(MM_keepURL, Len(MM_keepURL) - 1) End If If (MM_keepForm <> "") Then MM_keepForm = Right(MM_keepForm, Len(MM_keepForm) - 1) End If ' a utility function used for adding additional parameters to these strings Function MM_joinChar(firstItem) If (firstItem <> "") Then MM_joinChar = "&" Else MM_joinChar = "" End If End Function %> Able2Let - Watched Properties
able 2 let





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  <% If Not Recordset1.EOF Or Not Recordset1.BOF Then %>
  ADD A PROPERTY "> "> ">
<% If Request.QueryString("added")="yes" Then Response.Write ("Property Added") Else %>
  You have requested to add property <%=(Recordset1.Fields.Item("uniqueID").Value)%> to your watched properties list. Click "Yes" to add the property. If you do not wish to add this property, then simply do not click "Yes".
  <% End If %>
<% End If ' end Not Recordset1.EOF Or NOT Recordset1.BOF %>
  Your currently watched properties
  <% While ((Repeat1__numRows <> 0) AND (NOT Recordset2.EOF)) %> <% Repeat1__index=Repeat1__index+1 Repeat1__numRows=Repeat1__numRows-1 Recordset2.MoveNext() Wend %>
£ <%=(Recordset2.Fields.Item("PmPrice").Value)%> pm
 ">view | &puid=<%=(Recordset2.Fields.Item("Username").Value)%>">remove
<% Recordset1.Close() Set Recordset1 = Nothing %> <% Recordset2.Close() Set Recordset2 = Nothing %>